Grabmonument Baron Zumjungen

Built at the foot of the Capuchin monastery, in the form of an elegant plinth adorned with a large coat of arms and reliefs with classical weapon motifs, the monument commemorates a general who fell during the siege of 1718-19 in defence of Milazzo.


Ill. Dom. Hier. Maximilianus

s.r. iliber baro de Zumjungen

rei tormentariae generalis

praefecti hujus nominis cen

turio ac nepos dum

expulsis hispanorum agressor, bus

ad custodienda Mylarum


victor evadit

fatali plumbaei globi ictu

sub hoc marmore perpetuo

victus jacet


Monumento sepolcrale Barone Zumjungen
Via Croce a Mare 4, Milazzo (ME