Monument dedicated to Luigi Rizzo
It was built in bronze in 1965 by the Messina sculptor Antonio Bonfiglio in honor of Luigi Rizzo, the officer who best represented the brave spirit of the Navy in the First World War, demonstrating qualities of courage, Spiritual strength and moral consistency truly unique. He was born in Milazzo on 8 October 1887. Among the achievements to be remembered is the action of December 1917, for which he was awarded the first gold medal for military valor, or the sinking, by torpedoes launched by the MAS under his command, of the battleship Wien in the waters of the port of Trieste.
With the action, called of Premuda because it took place in the waters overlooking this island of Dalmatia, he was awarded the second gold medal for military valor. On the night of 10 June, Rizzo managed to hit and sink the battleship Santo Stefano while it was heading, with the Austrian fleet, towards the strait of Otranto to force the blockade of the allies. In honor of this victory the Navy celebrates its holiday on June 10.