Palace of the Marquises Proto

In Piazza Caio Duilio stands the imposing Palazzo dei Marchesi Proto. Dating back to the 17th century, it was modified following the damage suffered during the Spanish siege (1718-19) by Baron Francesco Baele in 1723. The palace has three elevations and a strict neoclassical design. The facade is dominated by the central arched door, originally decorated with four columns that supported the large balcony of the main floor, reduced to two.

The ground floor is entirely covered with smooth ashlar that incorporates the simple openings of the door (just marked by the coat of arms) and shops; five elegant balconies open on the noble floor and the attic is crowned by acroters and stylized palmettes. Inside there is a votive marble aedicule of the eighteenth century, two elliptical portraits of Ugo Francesca Maria Proto (1738) and Francesca Proto Patti (1753), an eighteenth-century statue depicting the Abundance. It was the residence of important personalities: in 1622 Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, in 1806 Ferdinando III di Borbone (exile from Naples reoccupied by the Napoleonic troops) with the crown prince Francesco I and his brother Leopoldo di Borbone, in 1860 Garibaldi received there Agostino Depretis and Francesco Crispi and was the seat of its headquarters. The greatest prestige to the building was given by the location in one of its wings, in the eighteenth century, of the Literary Academy of the Ereini.